#mentalhealth  Once the pandemic has been declared, each country took its preventive, security and safeguard measures.  In most people it caused a lot of unease, as many thoughts hit their heads, especially in a negative order.  "And now what am I going to do?" said many; they've got us locked up," others shouted, when they saw the days of "quarantine" spread.  With regard to these phrases, it's my approach.  Perhaps for some it is locking up, but for me it has been sheltered accompanied by endless things to do: to share with the family, to put things in order, to learn and undertake several significant projects, among those writing for this platform, an activity that is pleasurable to me.  Stopping is not always bad, it helps you to realize if you are on the right path and change the orientation, which the dynamics of the routine does not allow you to do because sometimes we act mechanically. So, if you haven't, take a break.  As you open your eyes, take a few minutes to reflect: what have you achieved in a year, did you really make the most of the time? What can I do now?  If only the complaints came up, then you wasted your time.But, if decisions, commitments and transformations were generated, then you're on the right track, that's MENTAL HEALTH.https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=g2upGqIN&id=6869AA5467D7B56F680CFD4C00811E384FEE2D19&thid=OIP.g2upGqINPQfhT4N1jOHz8wHaHa&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fimage.freepik.com%2fvector-gratis%2fconjunto-personas-pensando_60352-3003.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR836ba91aa20d3d07e14f83758ce1f3f3%3frik%3dGS3uTzgegQBM%252fQ%26pid%3dImgRaw&exph=626&expw=626&q=persona+pensando+gratis&simid=608013678086655787&ck=8793B9843F63CEE55CFD9D3589C2DD5F&selectedIndex=52&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0

And after a year what?