You were born to create

Dear you,

This card shows a dark egg with light in it. The egg is in front of your body. As a human being, you are a wonderful energy, an infinitely large sphere of light. In the middle is your body. Today is the time to realize that you are more than just a body. In your core you are light. Divine light. From now on, you may let this inner light shine. Let all the limiting layers, the eggshells, just drop off of you, and show your light.

Iedsr man has a unique pallet of light. What colors do you want to shine today?
What light do you let go in the world, so that a better world will go sheep together?

Happy day, all of you.

Love Anita
💖💫💖💫💖💫💖💫 #stralen #spiritualiteit #spirituelegroei #lichterleven #goedevrijdag - Yes.