This article will discuss the market's most famous Italian video games.

There are hundreds of games released each year in the gaming industry. However, the spotlight is always on large international companies, and it is easy to forget about them.

Many games are not even introduced into foreign territories, because of the language barriers. But since the adoption of Italian Translation Services, a lot of games that were previously unnoticed have caught the consumer's eye.

This guide will discuss what we consider to be the most famous Italian video games.

The Town of Light

The Town of Light is a horror-themed psychological thriller developed and published in LKA. This is an Italian indie company based out of Florence. The game takes place in the former asylum of Volterra.

It tells Renee's story of an elderly patient who returns to the institution to examine her past. The development team did extensive research and some inspections of the asylum to make the game. These studies enabled the developers to capture this atmosphere and present it again in their games.

This game is for you if you're looking for something that can worry you but doesn't use classic supernatural creatures. This game is available on all gaming consoles. Gaming translation services have chipped in to translate and localize the game for multiple languages.

Bud Spencer and Terence Hill: Slaps and Beans

Bud Spencer and Terence Hill: Slaps and Beans is a scrolling fighting video game created by the software company Trinity Team. This title is the first video game by Bud Spencer and Terence Hill. It's a new plot that was inspired by their most well-known films. Instead, the gameplay is inspired by scrolling fighting games like Double Dragon or Streets of Rage. Our two protagonists will be fighting their way through each level.

A team of Bud Spencer and Terence Hill lovers created a title that can revive fans. The typical atmospheres in their films. Bud Spencer and Terence Hill: Slaps and Beans is available on all gaming consoles.

Last Day of June

Last Day Of June is a puzzle-based adventure developed by Ovosonic and published by 505 Games. The title tells the heartbreaking story of Carl and June, who were separated after a horrible car accident. Our goal is to travel back in time by looking at paintings created by June and solving puzzles that will help us prevent her death.

Gamers and critics have been highly impressed with the title, considered one of the top indie games. In addition, the game has won numerous awards for its exciting graphics design and well-crafted story. Another reason for its popularity is the fact that every gaming translation company has tried to translate it into multiple languages so that the world could enjoy the game. The Last Day of June is now available for PC and Nintendo Switch.


Milanoir is an action game set in the 70s, developed by Italo Gaming and published through Good Shepherd Entertainment. The title will have us playing the role of Piero - a former prisoner who seeks revenge on the man who jailed him.

Our adventure will take us through a city reconstructed in pixel art with many references to detective stories from the 70s. Milanoir's gameplay is heavily inspired by Hotline Miami and shares a lot of mature content.

The primary mode is the single-player campaign. However, there is also an arena mode and a cooperative mode. This little gem is a must-see for anyone who loves old Italian crime films. Milanoir is available on all gaming consoles.

Dry Drowning

Dry Drowning is based on a visual novel developed by Studio V. It has been published by VLG Publishing. The story takes place in a dystopic future. The protagonist detective is stricken by the ghosts of his past. Our adventure will see us investigate a series of mysterious murders to discover the dreadful truth.

This game has a well-crafted story that can be branched out in many different directions based on our choices. It also ends with three different endings. A lot of translation services such as Mars Translation have translated video games into multiple languages.

Stunning drawings in dark tones will support the captivating story. This will allow the player to fully immerse himself in the game's noir atmosphere. Dry Drowning is available on PC as well as all gaming consoles.

BLACK: Nothing is Ever Obscure

The game takes place in a fantasy and dark world. It features a man named Nero as the protagonist. We will be accompanying Nero on an adventure to overcome the terrible grief that plagues him.

You are looking for a video game that has a story? Deep story NERO has a lot of exciting puzzles and is the right one for you. Remember though that this game is very short. We recommend looking for something more long-lasting if you're looking for an experience. BLACK: Nothing Ever Remains Unknown is Available on PC and other gaming consoles

Joe Dever's Lone Wolf

Joe Dever's Lone Wolf is a First Person Strategic RPG created by the Italian studio ForgeReplay. It was released for the first time on iOS and Android devices in 2013. Later, it was also available on PC and consoles. The game is set in the same universe as the homonymous series, and the protagonist is on the run from a group of bandits.

This title features a lot of turn-based combat but has an engaging storyline that will capture your attention in just a few seconds. However, if you are a gaming publishing company then look for a translation company to translate the content for you in a different language.


In this article, we talked about the most popular video games that were made in Italy. If you are passionate about Italian games then the above-mentioned list will be enough for you to get going.
So without further ado, buy the games and experience what so many people have.
Read More About Difference Between Translation and Transliteration

Most Popular Italian Video Games