Moury? Go in for sports!
How is it that (some) women during their #ongesteldheid #chagrijnig are? (an anonymous question).

It is estimated that a quarter of girls and women suffer from the #premenstrueel Syndrome (PMS). This means that physical symptoms have just before or during the onset of menstruation. This also includes #stemmingswisselingen and #depressie - Yes. The cause seems to be related to what happens in the female body with menstruation. The uterine mucosa thickens monthly, preparing for a possible pregnancy. When the egg is not fertilized, the body repels that mucous membrane. This happens under the influence of hormones that cause the uterus to contract. This can cause severe cramps. The hormone balance also gets out of balance, which can cause those mood swings. However, many women notice that sports helps to counteract the consequences of PMS. This is due to the fact that hormones are also produced in sports, such as estrogen, and they (partly) eliminate the adverse effects.
Source: Know magazine.
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Moury? Go in for sports! (PMS)