Everywhere on the street, I see discarded mouthcaps. What a filth. All those used mouthcaps, even if they end up in the garbage bag, still. Who said anything about virus spread?

WHO warns 'te laks' Europe against third corona wave at the beginning of 2021

According to observers, the protection of privacy in Europe is in the way of tackling the virus. Others point out that the people of Europe are cooperating on a large scale, but that the leaders of the countries lack perseverance. Another scientist notes that it is perhaps Western arrogance that prevents European countries from taking lessons from Asia. “They consider themselves superior in all respects, even when it comes to fighting disease.”

The South China Morning Post also notes that Europe is doing much worse than Asia. According to the authoritative newspaper, European countries refuse to learn from Asian experiences or are simply unable to do so. Why Europe does not change policy remains a mystery. A British virologist does not rule out the persistence of policy failures because the authorities do not want to suffer a loss of face. In particular, the lack of implementation of source and contact research is striking, whereas according to experts, this is the key to the successful fight in, for example, Taiwan and South Korea.

In South Korea, authorities are acting rigorously to find out who an infected person has been in contact with. Address books and call details are being advanced, as well as payment information and security camera footage. SMS alerts anyone who has been near an infected person. By the way, without revealing the identity of the patient. “The completeness of source and contact research is essential,” explains Cho Sung-il, Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Seoul. “Trust in voluntary cooperation is not enough.”

A Swiss expert notes that the use of technology is much less successful in Europe, apps are not used enough, and in some countries the authorities are still working with fax devices. Effy Vayena, Professor of Bioethics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, warns: “If you look at Europe as a whole, you can see that there is no plan. There is no strategy. Lockdowns are not a strategy. Partial lockdowns every two, three months are not a strategy. It is not a sustainable approach, it is a disastrous approach.”

If there is a parliamentary inquiry into the pandemic in the future, we will probably have stopped looking at other Western countries. Now the constant attention is focused on the worst countries among us, while the whole Western world together fails.
The conclusion will be that we should have acted exactly like China, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea, New Zealand etcetera.

Something we knew for a long time, in the middle of the pandemic

Source: Joop.nl
#corona #virusverspreiding #lockdown

Mouth caps as a virus spreader?