Carmen Rosalía Bermúdez Agreda... was born in Caracas on August 4th, 1930... at the age of 17 she married and was based in Maracaibo... studying at the school of plastic arts Julio Árraga... excelled as a sculptor and plastic artist and professor of design at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zulia... in 1973 she received an award as a sculptor by the Directorate of Culture... being the director of the Zuliano Institute of Culture by the State Directorate, she created the Art Foundation of Maracaibo in 1982,,, where she performed... Museum that today bears her name and appears in the photo... Museum of Art Lía Bermúdez, which is located in the center of Maracaibo and works in a building that was formerly the main market for wholesalers on the shores of Lake Maracaibo.

Museum Of Art Lia Bermudez