
Certainly there are songs that mark moments and you achieve a wide list that is the Soundtrack of your life, something similar happens with food. dishes that remind us of times of happiness and place you in a renewed state of mind... but the result of such an experience is improved when you add tastes in mixtures never imagined,... I feel that is the great teaching of #coldomiranda Music for your palate !!! Achieve these perfect recipes, as a universal language,... understandable to everyone, because it is about sharing knowledge that goes beyond cooking and coming out of the stove of the soul.

Recognitions are many for this great Chef, a Michelin star among these but his greatness is in the words of those who work with him,... share that philosophy of life that involves Kintsugi feelings, and everything that entails creating and reinventing each day.

Embrace the people of #quartofrio_gastro what do they make of #coldomiranda a real agent of change. Bogota D.C. Colombia

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