Represented by the sun in Greek mythology, Apollo was the god who protected and threatened from the heavens, after his father Zeus, he was the most influential and powerful god of all. Son of Zeus and the titanid Leto, he was born after his twin sister Artemis.

Although he was known as the sun god, it was more than that. He was the god of diseases, but also of healing. God of plagues, but also of protection against evil, god of harmony and balance, as well as beauty and perfection.

He was sent with Poseidon to create the walls around the city of Troy. When the king of Troy refused to pay the favor of the gods, Apollo sent a deadly plague to the city. Later, it was he who helped Paris kill Achilles, being the one who directed the young prince's arrow to the only weak point of the Trojan hero. He also saved his nephew Aeneas from death at the hands of Diomedes.

Little Hermes, a few hours after birth, stole part of Apollo's cattle, the young god ate several of the oxen while hiding the rest in a cave.

When Apollo heard about the events, he went to complain to the young man's mother about what happened, however, he had already returned to his bed.

Zeus, who had seen what happened, asked Hermes to apologize, in this way, he took out his lyre and began to play for Apollo, who, being a deity of music, was delighted and became great friends.

Like many other Olympic gods, Apollo had many partners and children. Being a god of beauty, he had both male and female lovers. His male lovers were: Cipariso Y Jacinto.

On the other hand, he had many female lovers. Among them: Arisone with whom he had Asclepius and Eriopis. Caliope, who fathered Lino, Orpheus and Lalemo. Urania, who gave Lino.


Mythology: Greek/Apollo