I was just lying in bed yesterday and suddenly thought: somewhere in the #top1500vanhetfouteuur of #qmusic still has to be a #hoeeetditliedje are hidden. And yes, all of a sudden I had changed the titles of two songs a bit.

No more soleros
Why now leek

Immediately jumped out of bed (well, stepped, it was 30 degrees in my bedroom) to write it down...

Did you also make a song “edible “? I will collect the entries in the blog below (I hadn't done so yet, oops) 😅 https://yoo.rs/ab13eba644790c8ff031634cabfeca7b/quickpost/hoeeetditliedje-hoe-eet-dit-liedje-1580216282.html?Ysid=96905

New inspiration for How eats this song