As you know most people are now at home because of corona. me, too. I'm still in high school myself, so I get online lessons. then read on.
the first tip I can give is to plan everything well. you can buy a fun, colorful planner, but you can also do it on a simple A4. You write a to-do list what tasks you need to do that day. when it's done you can mark it off or mark it. the theory is very important. most people (me too) now have much less motivation to work at school. as a tip you can watch youtube videos about school to get motivation. so you are usually more motivated. time to go to bed. I know that sometimes it is difficult and you like to watch through netflix all night long, but that's not a good posture. so go to bed on time! That's how you're more motivated!
hopefully you have some use of the tips:) #school #onlineschool #corona

online school