The weekend is almost over, and it was one of them. I had to and would go with Soofje to a Fantasy Festival yesterday. And so we left for Rijswijk Saturday morning. I didn't tell Soofje that I really bought that pirate suit and that her uncle would plunge herself into her world for once. Sad was allowed to stay with Buuv Annie. I always get a little insecure of her. She's always looking at me so weird. But she takes good care of Sad, and I'm happy about that.
Soofje didn't know what she saw when a pirate opened up when she rang my doorbell. She was terrified, because she never expected that from her Uncle Roon, and to be honest, neither did I. She herself had made a fairy suit and of course pointers. We had seen a lot of things along the way, at least I had that feeling the whole time. When we arrived at the Broodfabriek, fortunately I was not the only one dressed up, because it felt very uncomfortable. Soon Soofje disappeared and I had to stand alone. There were at least ten other pirates and that creates a band though you have no idea who is hiding behind such a beard. Soofje had discovered her friend Dinie who immediately signed her. I decided to stay at a safe distance, because that draughtswoman didn't exactly draw me at my best, I think.
I must honestly admit, I didn't like it. There were some nice bands playing and I even had to take a picture a couple of times. However, there was a lady who seemed to be around constantly with a sign of free hugs. She wasn't really my type, and for a moment I was afraid it was buuv Annie, but it won't. Luckily, I always managed to avoid her. Oh, I also had to take a group photo with my colleagues and then we were offered a drink by the organization in the pirate bar. I almost forgot I came here with my niece. Luckily, she was too busy with her own stock exchanges. I need to go check out, because I think I secretly liked it a little bit.
#cartoon #strip #oomroon #soofje #diniez #diniedezeeuw #humor #ronaldkroon #groteneuzenenpuntoren #stripwereld #stripbeurs