Origin of Gymnastics
Gymnastics is an activity that tests the physical abilities of the human being, through a regulated series of exercises of balance, strength, agility, flexibility and endurance.

In some of its modalities, gymnastics is a competitive sport. This group includes, among others, aerobic gymnastics, acrobatic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, artistic gymnastics and trampoline gymnastics. These last three disciplines are also part of the Olympic Games.

The term gymnastics comes from the ancient Greek gym, “naked”, since in Greece athletes exercised without clothes. The place where the exercises were practiced was the gym. It was precisely in ancient Greece that gymnastics was developed as a sports discipline.

As a general physical activity, gymnastics has existed since prehistoric times: the acquisition and development of physical dexterity occupied a central place in survival, for which it was essential to know how to attack and defend oneself.

Source: https://concepto.de/historia-de-la-gimnasia/#ixzz7b1oK7T5Z

Origin of Gymnastics