#tekst #gedicht #buurtsuper #YoorsCoronaPositiveChallenge #superbuurt #paracetamol #betrokkenheid #corona #virus #coop - Yes.

Our neighborhood super... and our super neighborhood.

That's how we do it here in 'monastery' near the Coop.
We don't turn everything upside down here.
We wait neatly and share.
I can recommend that involvement everyone.
We don't have to suspend our messages.
There are no deficits at all.
We too use the toilet but don't fight for toilet rolls...
therefore no shortage of paracetamol against head or other pain.
And we also remain certification behind the demarcation line.
Admittedly, we know us and that social control helps.
I especially like the fact that “social “... because wanting to see each other always helps.

And our big coop... they're all special and very special.
We are proud and thrifty of them... how can we do without it?