Recently we live in a cottage near the forest.
With the dog out here is easy and I like to do that very much.
Still trying to live with #cptss and #depresie and, unfortunately, not to mention chronic fever.
The why I left behind, but the wonder at the consequences in the physical and mental field remains.
A life that has changed so much, but has no meaning yet
I'm looking for #mezelf and what I want.
It's hard when you don't know what you're feeling.
But here in this #paradijs I hope to find the peace and space to find out further.
The smell of the #bos , the sounds, the tranquility gives me despite a heavy relocation force
For the first time in a long time the need to write awakens again.
I let go of recovery.
Acceptance is what I'm focusing on right now.
The recovery can only begin after that.

I take another step, now on a forest path between silent trees leaning with the wind.
I'm sure I can learn a lot from that.


Paradise in the forest