Infecting your animals and others, getting money for killing all the animals, investing that money immediately in new animals - and in the meantime looking forward to the stoppers scheme to start a McDonald's.

Life's work mink breeder collapses: 'I probably infected all colleagues and animals'
Fresh from the liver, he tells us that he probably took the virus into his farm himself. ,, I had been celebrating carnival for two days, got something that looked like a mild flu. I probably infected all seven people who helped in the mating season, as well as the animals.”

Already 33 outbreaks corona in mink farms.
Mink breeding is reservoir of corona. Virus has free play there. And yet Cabinet refuses to ban mink breeding PER DIRECT, but wants to buy out breeders for a lot of money.

PARMESS gets the upper hand
Dozens of tractors block Mediapark Hilversum due to broadcast Summer guests with Minister of Agriculture Carola Schouten.

For years, veterinarian SaskiaVanrooy has been threatened, intimidated, driven because she's defending animal rights. And that's against the sore leg of some locals. Who recognizes these “men “who throw a dead swan cub over the fence?

Peasant mind or peasant limp?