I have found a little treasure, a part of my life reflected in these photos.
In 2000, we were conducting an exploration for the placement of a navigation buoy (the previous one had been lost), we left Ciudad Guayana (8 hours of sailing by boat) and pecnotamos in this town called "Curiapo", it is a small town who lived off fishing and fuel smuggling to Guyana. I remember arriving late at night as we were delayed by a storm that caught us while sailing.
Its people received us with great affection and offered us shelter and food. His hulmildad was unique, we also gave the leader of the town Cafe, sugar, rum (liquor), fuel and oil, it was a very precious present. We spent 3 days doing the explorations and preparing for a second round but on a larger boat with the buoy for placement.
I will never forget those pleasant moments spent in that small town. There was a unique peace.
As an anecdote, in the house of the town leader there was a small pet tiger. In the photos I appear taking a photo with the tiger.

#photography  #recuerdos  #stayathome  #beauty