#PieterOmtzigt - New party announcement - #NieuwSociaalContract - #NSC

I'll keep an eye on it. I'll think about whether I'm going to vote for this or what I was planning to vote for in the first place. I wonder which politicians will join this party that we could then vote for. I suspect his wife is coming in because she had indicated for a number of years that she does have political ambitions. I know Pieter Omtzigt has tried to do a lot of good things. I would also read the party program. I would delve more into it in the coming months and then finally make a choice. However, they would need statements of support to enter the 2nd Chamber. And pay attention to parties and politicians that you think are good (enough) and ignore bad parties and politicians. Because negative advertising is also advertising.


Pieter Omtzigt - New party announcement - New Social Contract - NSC

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