#Positief Thinking, Law of Attraction, Focus of #aandacht and I'm sure there are many more terms that are aimed at having and keeping positive thoughts. Not always easy and certainly not at this time. It is precisely in these times that we are very challenged to keep our thoughts positive and to focus on things that we do have and that are going well. The last few days I caught myself that things didn't go very well with me. My focus was more focused on the issues that the #coronavirus all walked into the soup. These weren't very small things either, like my #bruiloft and my 30th #verjaardag (milestone). Yes, I am so sorry and grieved about that, but I still put my shoulders under it again and I picked everything up positively again. With the nose forward and with the wind. There are not many other choices either. This went pretty well, just less the last few days. Because my focus strayed to things that didn't go well, I notice this in my energy level and in my mood. What also strikes me is that I dream more about certain topics, such as having a big party on my 30th birthday. Then I notice that I'm too busy with it again. Isn't it normal in these times that sometimes we can't shift our focus properly? No. The prospects have also been somewhat deprived of us by the coronacrisis. At least, that's how I experience it myself. I started thinking about this and asked myself how to get out of this' dip 'of thoughts again.

My partner I have involved in this together we have drawn up a dream thoughts/goal. In November we have two weeks of vacation and we would like to get our dive certificate in Curaçao. Tadaa! A #droom Thoughts is born! Whether this is feasible is of course a second, but we are certainly going to manifest this positively and will see how far we are going to get! At least we have a nice prospect to look forward to again. Personally, I notice that I am focusing my thoughts on possibilities instead of everything that is not right now. It's not supposed to be completely out of the ' #NU ', but in the' NOW 'you can use the #focus on new possibilities/plans.

Which (dream) plans do you make in this time? Stay Safe <3

Positive Thinking - Dream Plans