I know, it's no different, and we should all try and stand together.
But this woman breaks my heart again unnoticed, I greet her as best as possible with understanding words, take my cart and have to go for it again.


This morning I read about Psalm 42, this was following our prayer email.
I don't often read psalms; spells, that's more my thing, I read them a lot.
But anyway it's not about me, it's about psalm 42 in which homesickness and melancholy turn into hope.
It's about a love you have to seek, a love nowhere to buy.
It's about trusting life, despite what must strike our eye and heart...
Well, he came in for a while, but that Christian hope is the expensive hope of blood, sweat and tears, that unfortunately many people in this heavy Coronatij have to realize.
I was thinking about a woman right away. I got to bring her coffee last night, I was wearing my protective clothes.
Packed in apron, gloves and mouth cap, I stood next to her for a moment.
It was a bit late, I ran a coffee round for the first time in my life, it was special, you really come to the people's home.
So I stayed with her for a while. Mark Rutte was on the tube.
“What a bad thing, they're going on like this for a while, still no family contact.”
Your words touched me, you spoke in a sad voice, I had just picked up a nice syrup waffle for you.
“For my husband I think it's the worst”, you threw out some emotions and pfffffff, it's really getting harder for me to be encouraging.
I hear nothing more than emotions and it touches me enormously, it really hurts.
You know, there's nothing you can do, kid and there you are with your 'delicious' impersonal mouthcap, rubber gloves, not tonight but sometimes glasses, a long-sleeved jacket and so on...
Oh yes and also keep DANCING HEAR!
I know, it's no different, and we should all try and stand together.
But this woman breaks my heart again unnoticed, I greet her as best as possible with understanding words, take my cart and have to go for it again.
So I read psalm 42 and think of this woman, she already has a lot behind her molars and I do not exaggerate this.
She always shows good courage and rarely her own grief.
She looks at the birds, she looks up with vigorous eyes and just not heavily bent at the ground.
No, not exactly, and the words as in verse four: “Where is your God?” do not come out of her mouth.
What a woman, her “performance “from last night, is an encouragement to me this morning.
And now, reading Psalm 42 makes me feel deeply safe again.
The words come together with thoughts, and the thoughts come together again with feeling.
I know it sounds a little messed up right now, but I hope you can still understand what I mean.
Wait, this is no coincidence... verse 2, I wrote a poem about this before.
Yes, that was in 2016, and you know, I'll give it to you.

I wish you all a good day today xxx,
The poem is called NEVER and she comes from my collection: LEARN ME LIFE, a collection about the Lord.

I'm never gonna let go of this again. No one can take this from me anymore.
They can still call so much, they can claim so much.
It is in a few words not to description,
But I know I always want to stay on this narrow road.
I will never let go of this again, that was for me very soon for sure.
I'm only drinking from a cup!
Easy? No, it certainly is not.
It's like the deer, which is sung in a song.
In Psalm 42 we read of a hinde yearing for the streams of water.
My soul has come to you with an equal desire.
And despite the attackers shouting, with lots of mockery.
I again like their words: “Where is your God now”.
I am again and I am no longer mourning for it.
I continue “simply” to persevere and trust in You.

by: a Voice of Thoughts www.angelienahuis.nl / info.angelienahuis.nl

Read also my other poems regarding Corona in the care of the elderly:

Poem number 1... following the message: “No more visit in nursing homes”
Poem number 2... n.a.v. the message: “Children sign for the elderly”
Poem number 3... n.a.v. the message: “Coronacrisis shows that work can also be done differently”
Poem number 4... n.a.v. the message: “If your first name is suddenly world news”
Poem number 5... n.a.v. the message: “Cuddling is missed”
Poem number 6... n.a.v. the message: “Massly digital”
Poem number 7... n.a.v. a dream: “Welfare TV”
Poem number 8... n.a.v. lack of family: “The toll of Corona”

Tags: #bijbel #ouderenzorg #ouderen #corona #eenzaamheid #positief

PSALM 42 and a special woman