Bovines for slaughter that graze along the Waal are full #kankerverwekkend #gif . The cattle that graze along the Waal river and part of which is slaughtered for consumption are full of poison. Brabants Dagblad reports that. The Dutch Food and Commodities Authority (NVWA) has started a large national investigation into the risks.

These are the animals that stand at the Kaliwaal near Upper Lions and around Loevestein Castle near Poederoijen. Strikingly high doses of dioxin have been found in the animals, presumably due to contaminated soil sludge from the river which has reached the floodplains by high water. When grazing, the cattle get the toxic substances inside. Dioxins can cause cancer in humans in high doses and affect fertility.

The NVWA discovered the presence of the poison after examining meat from the environment in March and June. Meanwhile, the sale of meat, which is under the name'wild meat' or 'primemeat'gets to consumers, discontinued.

Pure nature, cattle for slaughter with poison