¿Qué trabajo te gustaría?
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6 answers

At least a job where I can work with my limitations and

I'm retired don't need a job anymore.

@marijke sometimes work is good therapy to stay active

at my age, no one is waiting for me, you know?. Still active my way 😉
at my age, no one is waiting for me, you know?. Still active my way 😉

@marijke That's good, hehehe the same thing happens to me

I think I'd be a teacher again.

@Maria I'm glad you like what you're doing

am quite satisfied with my current job as a bus driver so don't want another

@frieke how good there you interact with many people

I used to want to be a dolphin trainer. now I work at Beekse Bergen, but not with the animals. ;-)

I would like to spend myself in the accounting and administrative part

I don’t know. Right now I’m a housewife and I kinda like it that way.