Dear writers, writers, bloggers and what kind of names are not possible for the now digital pen.
I have a problem that at first was not a problem, well, on what start problems after then.
One starts writing stories, one likes them, the other doesn't... superiors even wanted me to publish a book I've been thinking about.
Thinking about releasing a book and having it printed, I stopped!
I am a so-called 'lazy' short stories writer, and to go bucket to go through a publisher and so on is far too much work.
Yoors... man... when I discovered yoors, I had to get used to it, but I managed to put some thoughts in here.
But as everything changed, Yoors changed, too, with new erm... what do you call that... gadgets?
Now I am an amateur in writing, fun to do occasionally, have an external disk full of scribbles, anecdotes and (life) stories, and that thing is right there.
If ever my toes don't itch anymore, my kids just watch if they can make small money out of it, you don't know, do you?
Anyway, it's late, or early, just how you look at it, and I get to go to bed, as my girl is now sure of the night without extra administration of pain relief.
So 5:00 is my bedtime...
I'm going to try to keep it short, and I'm afraid that's not easy.
I'm a beef!
A fool.
We used to write with pen and paper, and then came the computer that I didn't understand!
And the new developments, whether or not computer related, make me grab for the paracetamolles, because that gives me headaches!
And during what I want to ask myself, I wonder what the terms they use on yours to help each other with points... likes, whatever it may be!
I don't get the balls!
None of the explanation of this either!
Or the intention... and while I want to be for the sake of everyone, even though I barely have the so-called YP stuff!
Fairshare... what is that... what does that do, how does that work, and how can I do it back to someone?
Boosters... boy... that word gave me a huge boost for an overstretched skull roof, mailbox is full of messages like this... eh... dear readers... what are these, and how can I give someone a 'boost' back... or whatever it may be called?
I see others buying things for an x amount you... eh... how then?
Where and how is it to get this... when I think I'm poor as the ants, hoping it'll put something else together.
Can someone explain this to me please.
I'd like to be in Jip and Janneke language, that's what it is.
I'm quite posstive... so people feel free to give a boost 😂
But no idea how!
Fortunately I have more knowledge of model trains and my bass guitar, otherwise I would have had a pretty boring life!
Those computer things, and words, shoot me leak!
I like the old fashion way more... I still get that... poking letters on slate, later with pen and paper, dude, and proud of myself once I realized how to open wordpad on my PC, and send mail by email!
And 'potvolblomme', meanwhile it is again half past 6!
The question is, whether or not with a slight sarcastic bow to myself, written... asked.
And I really hope for an answer I can do with, to understand what people mean by those magic words.
So, it's been beautiful... I'm going to stand on my back for 6 hours and then I hope to notice some relief from my 'overstretched' Neanderthal brain of the weekend!

#nerd ? #neanderthaler

Question from a 'Neanderthal'