A landslide in northern Alta caused eight houses to disappear into the sea on Wednesday, June 3, 2020. Earlier this week, almost 20,000 tonnes of diesel leaked out of a Siberian power plant, probably because one of the pillars of the diesel tank failed. The probable causes:defrosting permafrost, a growing problem in the Arctic.

No place on Earth that heats faster than the Arctic. The glaciers and ice sheets melt, the permafrost thaws. And that has an impact on people and nature. “It's not about a degree more or less.It is about an unpredictability that we are not prepared for. '

The landslide may have been caused by the thawing of the top layer of permafrost in the soil.In addition, the authorities of the Siberian mining town of Norilsk declared the state of emergency on Tuesday due to a large diesellek. Almost 20,000 tonnes of diesel leaked out of a power plant that ended up in two rivers, writes NRC. According to the Russian mining group Nornikel, the cause lies in melting permafrost, in which one of the pillars of the diesel tank would have sunk.

Rain? Prepare for avalanches”