#relationships A brother is a beautiful affinity in our passage through this world. The sense of the older brother becomes even greater, because his role is directed towards the younger brother as a guide and protector of his steps, that is, he is an auxiliary of the parents. Brothers are like hands, when one hand takes a heavy thing, the other helps it naturally. Therefore, an older brother always shares, and never competes. For example, he shares his food and clothing, because his heart practices kindness; Because of his wisdom, he helps us to resolve difficulties and, because he has a sense of justice, he does not allow us to make mistakes; By virtue of this we must have a humble heart before the older brother. My older brother is chubby, not very tall, with little hair and body hair, he always longed for a beard. But he never grew a hair, however, current applications (App) have helped him to fulfill his wish. He laughs and enjoys himself, helps us to be happy, always has a smile and a joke in his mouth to appease our spirits. He is a faithful friend. I show you his photograph. I love him.
Un hermano mayor.  
Un hermano es una hermosa afinidad en nuestro paso por este mundo.  El sentido del hermano mayor se vuelve aún más grande, porque su rol está dirigido hacia el hermano menor como guía y protector de sus pasos,  es decir, es un auxiliar de los padres.  Los hermanos son como las manos, cuando una mano toma una cosa pesada, la otra la ayuda naturalmente.  Por eso, un hermano mayor siempre comparte, y jamás  compite.  Por ejemplo, comparte su comida y su vestimenta, porque su corazón practica la benevolencia; por su sabiduría, nos ayuda a resolver las dificultades y, porque tiene sentido de la justicia no nos deja cometer errores; en virtud de esto debemos tener un corazón humilde ante el hermano mayor.  
Mi hermano mayor es gordito, no muy alto, de poco cabello y vello corporal, siempre anheló tener barba.  Pero nunca le creció ni un pelo, sin embargo, las aplicaciones (App) actuales  le han ayudado a cumplir su deseo. El se ríe y disfruta de sí mismo, nos ayuda a estar contentos, siempre tiene una sonrisa y un chiste en su boca para apaciguar los ánimos. Es un amigo fiel.  Les muestro su fotografía.  Lo amo