“Is it normal for you to get these difficult questions in a questionnaire when you have your child at the #peuterspeelzaal brings?” My neighbor is slightly panicked, when she stands with me in the kitchen. "Gosh!
I found those questions really difficult!
They wanted to know if I could indicate what phase my child was talking at. I don't know!! I know what he can and can not but, at what stage??! It's my first, isn't it? No idea, kid! Oh yes, it also said if I thought he was running forward or behind or average on his development. Well, at the consulting office saying he's ahead of talking, but what about that? I don't know!!

Well, you know what I thought was totally crazy? I was talking to the leader at the table, and my kid pulled something out of the closet. Walk the leader to him, says, “That is not allowed, put it back.” Well, I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to think of it. I celebrated him, didn't I? But yes, it's her class.

I'm gonna shoot a little bit of a smile and put an arm around her. The leader wants to work together to stimulate your child in his development... she knows a lot about the stages of the development in which your child is and needs to go and you know a lot about what your child can and still needs to learn, what makes him happy and what he fears.

Dear neighbor, that means letting go and working together to make your child develop well.

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