#refurbish The discovery of fossils, specifically dinosaur footprints, is gaining a lot of popularity in Europe and lately in Texas, North America, where several footprints have been discovered this week due to the drought of several rivers.
Paleontologists from all over the world make their best efforts to restore them, due to the historical and scientific importance, as well as the tourist nature of them all over the world, as happens in El Castelar, Spain, where in an area destined for fossil discovery, 87 new traces of dinosaur, specifically in the El Pozo site, in addition to the 400, already discovered in the past, in this same place.
“The excavation phases are completed and now work is being done on conservation and restoration,” said Ana, one of the professionals. “The 87 ichnites were in a space of 88 square meters and many are real footprints that kept the fillings that were in good condition,” the workers acknowledged
“To get to the footprints, we have worked hard because the terrestrial layers are moved and steps are formed that make it difficult to follow the upper block in which the footprints are located,” confessed paleontologist Andrea Guarido. To reach that upper layer, “large blocks of sediment have been removed and a lot of sand dug”.
They explained that at the end of the first phase of excavation, restoration and conservation continues, “the most important because it is the one that allows the work to be maintained in the face of rock fracturing due to vegetation or due to the strong contrast of temperatures” To assess the material with which the cracks are being filled, carried out a previous study. “The larger ones are filled with lime to make it as natural as possible, although putties and resins are also used,” the workers explained.
Once the restoration work is completed, it is evaluated, to make a memory and see if it is possible to include walkways or a roof to protect the findings, as has been done in other sites in the municipality. This is important for ecotourism and paleontological tourism, since its richness meant that in 2004 they were declared an Asset of Cultural Interest by the Government of Aragon and El Castellar continued to bet on paleontology with the Dino Paseo or the dinosaur footprints road, which crosses towns such as Galve or Ababuj
https://www.google.com/search?q=imagenes+de+la+restauracion+de+huellas+fosiles+en+el+castelar+espa%C3%B1a&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiX-N2tjOD5AhWMjuAKHWulBxEQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=imagenes+de+la+restauracion+de+huellas+fosiles+en+el+castelar+espa%C3%B1a&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQDFAAWABgAGgAcAB4AIABAIgBAJIBAJgBAKoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1n&sclient=img&ei=imwGY5eLK4ydggfryp6IAQ&bih=689&biw=1280 #imgrc =rlLiQFdbz-XVrM&imgdii=fnflFKbAf-JDQM
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