When you see the beautiful cover of Dream to the Future by Rina Stam, you want to know what the woman on the cover is dreaming about, whether it's a fun dream or not. The title makes you curious about the story, just like the subtitle makes you curious.
In Dream to the Future by Rina Stam, Flora's story continues where the story ended in the previous part. Flora is having a good time in Spain, but one day Flora decides it's time for a trip again. After a long search and thought, she has made her choice and is going on a trip. On the way from one place to another, she is involved in an accident and ends up in a hospital in a coma. While she is in hospital, she experiences a near death experience. She finds her peace and quiet there and regrets that her earthly life is not over yet. Once back in her body, she tells her children and a friend what she experienced while she was in a coma. Flora's children think so much and can't believe it.