For years, foodwatch has been fighting for the right to know what you eat. That's why a clear logo on the front of food packaging is so important. As far as we are concerned, the food choice ogo Nutri-Score is the best. It is independent and developed by scientists. Nutri-Score allows consumers to compare products from the same category by nutritional values at a glance. Without having to study the fine print on the back of the packaging!

Food keuzelogo Nutri-Score is gaining ground in Europe, hurrah! The Netherlands will also introduce the logo. As the popularity of this keuzelogo increases,also increases resistance from the food industry, the lobby, and among policy-makers. Some strongly oppose the introduction of the consumer-friendly label.

This is very acidic, because we finally have a chance for an independent, scientifically developed, food choice ogo. We must not allow this to be watered down by our government and watered down by the industrial lobby.

What do our opponents say?
Unilever and other food giants prefer a logo that assumes portion size rather than per 100 grams/milliliters. The Italians see it as an attack on their culinary heritage because — yes, unfortunately — fatty cheeses and salty hams do not score well. And to make matters worse, we learned this week that our Health Council believes that the Nutri-Score really needs to be adjusted, because it does not correspond well with the Dutch food guidelines Disc van Vijf.

In this newsletter I would therefore like to dismiss four smokescreen that our opponents are currently putting up! #voedsel

Right to know what you eat!