#scifi #love #poem

Remember when the calla lilies grew in the summertime?
Or when the rain came down in the spring?
When we watched the fireworks on the fourth of July?
I thought I knew you then…
But it seems your eyes have held lies longer than the truth.
And from your lips sprouted fantasies that now I know were never true.
Still, I believe a beating heart can outstand a metal frame
That life still stands above the lifeless
And so I leave this final note
As my life and my memories fade
So that if I don’t make it till tomorrow
I pray a piece of you does
Because if there is a piece of humanity left in anyone it's you…

Time moves on as I write
Above me the sun makes its way across the sky
Therefore I must be quick
I believe you are familiar with the time of my disappearance
I can’t say much about that as I do not recall much after they knocked me out
When I finally woke up the world was unfamiliar.
The vast open sky was replaced with a silver ceiling
The fields of green spotted with flowers was replaced with colorless walls
I lay in a bed as hard as rocks and I called out for help
But none came…

I shifted between reality and dream
My mind, a shapeless mess
I began to see things, things I had never seen before
I felt as though I were a part of something
Something bigger than myself
I began to hear the voices of others inside my head
Vast amounts of knowledge things I had never known
Flooded into my head
It was not long until I realized I was in some sort of hospital
I tried to tell the doctors there was something wrong with me
But they didn’t see any problems.
When I spoke they looked at me with concern
But something about it seemed distant
They seemed warm and welcoming on the outside
Yet inside I knew their hearts were made of something harder
I tried to look passed it but eventually I couldn’t
They would open their mouth to laugh
But it wouldn’t sound real
It sounded forced almost robotic
The doctors came in and out of the room
As did many others
Sometimes they did not even need to speak
I could hear their thoughts in my head
And I hated it
How could one feel so connected to everyone else?
And yet so distant
What hurt the most though was that I began to realize
That you had been just the same
That the same look of unsympathetic concern
The same robotic laugh was in you all along

With the vast amount of information available to me
I began to look into what was happening
It was a program called HIVE
I do not know what it stands for.
It does not matter right now.
I realize that it is important to say that there is a way to stop it.
The clock tower at the center of town.
I do not know how much more I can say.
I can feel the changes coming.
The more time goes the less I remember your face.
The less I feel.
If my life and my memories fade.
Then I pray there is still something left in you.
I hope that you can end this even if I cannot.
I will leave this bed tomorrow.
I will walk out of here tomorrow.
I will find the tower.
I will keep hold to the memories I can.
Till Eden sings
Till Eden sings
And yet I can’t remember
Who am I writing to again?

Till Eden Sings