Always nice, a scratch drawing. Although they do have to put enough pressure on the wax crayon, otherwise you will get spots where the paper or canvas is still free and the paint won't come off properly. I now buy scratch sheets that have already been made... Show moreAlways nice, a scratch drawing. Although they do have to put enough pressure on the wax crayon, otherwise you will get spots where the paper or canvas is still free and the paint won't come off properly. I now buy scratch sheets that have already been made in the Action. For a little while, you have a whole block. It is also quite a surprise what colors are underneath and the result is guaranteed.
@De Knutseljuf ✂️🇳🇱 Creall is indeed a good brand, but I have to make do with old, thick waxes at school. (29 students, so no budget for expensive things).)