After the call of @CreasaNL about you #levensmotto I would also like to write a blog about it.

My life motto has always been 'Seize the day' and recently I was reminded of it just as nicely by my hubby. He said he was told at work that a former classmate/colleague at another company had suddenly died at the age of 50. More than 8 years younger than he is.

Always lived healthy and sporty, but suddenly there was the moment he left wife and children behind. That shocked him so much that he wanted to get rid of it. I could only think: 'Seize the day'. Because before you know it, it's all of a sudden over.

If possible, don't delay anything. Live your life as you, and possibly partner and/or family, want.

#plucktheday   #liveyourlife #veryshortstory   #shortstory  

Seize the day!