I think that sex is something to be marveled at. Something to be appreciated and adored. I feel that for most of us when talking about sex or sexuality we often feel a sense of “taboo” in us about our feelings or the topic. We don’t speak about the things we like or are into because of the misinformed ideas that have been pushed into our heads by the societies we live in. Which in my opinion creates an aura of negativity around something that is qute frankly beautiful in every way. We’ve taken the act of creation and true compassion and turned it into this late night topic that can’t be expressed openly. In my opinion we shouldn’t feel any shame when becoming or aroused or if we see two people pleasing each other. If anything we should be in awe. When sex is treated with respect and understood there is nothing distasteful about it. The problem is that for most of us we were introduced to sex by seeing rauchy and degrading images. Not to mention you add on top of that what weve been brainwashed into believing through religion about our own feelings and thoughts and you create what we have today. A society that is hypersesxual yet doesnt understand anything about sexuality. We have to change the nature of which we speak of and see sexuality. The longer we keep something so natural and beautiful hidden in the shadows the longer we limit our own sexual evolution..

#sexuality #seksualiteit #sex #taboo 

~ Sex & sexuality ~