When you see David Westling's beautiful cover of Shadow and Spotlight, you wonder why this cover was chosen. Is it because someone wakes up and enjoys the semi-dark for a while before they start the day? Or would there be something inside that people would rather not show to unnecessary snoopers? Or is there another reason? At some point, you will find out that they did the right thing to choose this cover. There's something mysterious about it. The title makes you curious about the book. You want to know what can or should be in both the shade and the spotlight. Or would the title be meant in a different way? After reading this book, you can at least conclude that they did well to choose this title.
Shadow and Spotlight by David Westling is a collection of seven different stories. In each story, the protagonist is confronted with an unusual but recognizable crisis situation. They all compete with both the outside world and themselves. These are seven separate stories where you can decide in which order you read the stories.