#history Venezuelan military leader who played a key role in the revolutions against the Spanish Empire in the early 19th century. Considered one of the most important figures in Latin American history. After a series of military successes, he helped lead the separatist republics of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. He also played a prominent role in the Gran Colombia Confederation, which briefly united these republics, Author of two political treaties, the Cartagena Manifesto and the Jamaica Charter, in which he encouraged the peoples of South America to rebel against the Spanish Empire.

What campaigns did Simón Bolívar lead?
-He was the head of multiple expeditionary forces against the Spaniards, and between 1819 and 1822 he successfully liberated three territories: Nueva Granada (Colombia and Panama), Venezuela and Quito Ecuador from Spanish rule. With the Argentinian José de San Martín he liberated Peru 1824 and what would be Bolivia 1825 He wanted to create a confederation that would unite from Mexico to Argentina, but he did not achieve this emancipatory project that included Cuba, Puerto Rico, Florida, he died as a result of tuberculosis at the age of 47

Simon Bolivar his Story

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