The feeling of nervousness at different social situation is normal for people. Social anxiety disorders, commonly known as social phobia is one of the most common type of anxiety disorder that rises fear and anxiety during everyday interactions at different social backgrounds that invokes a feeling of embarrassment, self-consciousness and fear of other’s judgment. This can cause serious issues in your daily routines, relationships and work front and disrupt a peaceful life.
In this article, we are going to discuss different anxiety signs seen in people with social anxiety and social anxiety disorders.

What is social anxiety disorder?
Social anxiety is a chronic illness of mental health, where normal social interface causes irrational fear and anxiety. People with social anxiety disorder have unreasonable fear of the circumstances where they may be negatively judged or scrutinized and a persistent worry of humiliation or embarrassment. They may recognize that their fears are irrational but may not feel that they can overcome it. This condition can be managed by improving their coping skills through psychotherapy and consuming prescribed medications.

Signs and Symptoms of Social Anxiety
Different people, particularly children, may feel shy in some situation they are not comfortable in and this is not necessarily the sign of social anxiety. The level of comfort varies for each individual at different circumstances. Some people are extroverts, who are very much outgoing but some are introverts, who are much reserved in nature.

Contrary to the everyday nervousness, the social anxiety includes apprehension, fear and anxiety that shows various symptoms including avoidance, physical signs, emotional and behavioral symptoms.

Physical signs – Physical symptoms such as excessive sweating, blushing, trembling or shaking, nausea is commonly seen. They may also experience rapid heartbeat, tension in muscles, light-headedness or feeling dizzy, difficulty in speaking, out of breath condition, sudden blank feeling of mind, stomach troubles. They may not be able to keep eye contact with others and unable to relax in a social setting.
Emotional and Behavioral signs – People with social anxiety will have a feeling that they will be judged negatively in different aspects and are worried about humiliating themselves in front of an audience. They may have great reluctance and anxiety to interact or mingle with others especially strangers. They may not be able to completely trust their abilities and expect worst consequence in their different endeavors in a social setting. They over analyze their performance and mostly tend to find the flaws in each of their interactions.
Avoidance – People suffering from social anxiety tend to avoid common social situations such as gatherings or parties. They also avoid to talk to people or do simple things due to fear of embarrassment in a social setting. They always try to avoid being the center of attraction in an event and may even have trouble to manage their anxiety regarding an upcoming event or performance and tries to avoid it. Some people may even have trouble for eating in front of others, or to enter a room when it is filled with audience, making eye contact, going to work or school and so on.
The social anxiety signs may vary for individual and may change over time with regards to stress experienced, work load or other demands of life.

Note: The article is written for information purpose. Kindly, do not use this information for self-diagnosis, as it is a professional's task. In case, you realize presence of any of the symptoms in you or your loved ones, please consult a certified mental health professional for seeking support. Mental health practitioners are the designated professionals to diagnose, write prescription and administer therapy, etc.

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Social Anxiety signs