An intense perfume of roses.

Cordelia was driving through this Scottish country road, car window pulled down, enjoying the breeze and colours of late June, when she sensed it.

She spotted a derelict house in the distance. It stood out in the middle of the fields.

Cordelia stopped the car and walked there.

The scent was stronger. She explored the place; no flowers.

Suddenly, a speck of light materialized, exploding into a giant circle.

Cordelia ran to hide behind a crumbling wall and observe.

A green hand emerged from it, then a black boot, finally a nose. A witch! Others followed.

Chanting began in this coven; roses and petals offered in celebration of Summer Solstice.

Cordelia fell asleep.

When she woke, she was sitting in her parked car.

A dream?

She moved and a rose petal fell from her hair.

#140w #november #writingchallenge #challenge #fun #coven
Imagem de cocoparisienne por Pixabay

Solstice dream