Go on.
With what?
That's actually the first thing that comes to mind.
Going forward is actually automatic.
It doesn't matter what situation you're in. You're going on anyway.
It's all unconscious. We often don't have a choice. That's right.
As annoying as it may be, life takes us to the next stop anyway.
Life is just going on, but our thoughts often dwell on the moment when we felt so touched. Both positive and negative.
Every event makes us aware that a feeling is touched within us. One event goes deeper than another.
It makes us realize what it all does to us. Pain, joy, fun or deep sadness. There's got to be all there. And sometimes you need a moment to realize and feel that it is part of your life: feelings that can go deep.
Not everything is fine. Learning to accept this situation gives you the next push to bring life back as it is.

Sometimes quite difficult, agree?

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Greetings, Mitch Peters
PS Feel free to follow me (I'm going to inspire you positively with insights) and maybe nice to check out my other contributions #volgme #letsconnect #vergeten #mindset #acceptatie #doorgaan

Sometimes quite difficult, agree?