And suddenly it's clear to me how the universe is trying to make it clear to us that something needs to change quickly.
Life lessons come from the universe.
The universe is in our soul, it's just whatever word you associate with it, so you can call it God or the source, the Quantum Field or the Heaven.
But as a human being, you have contact with this whole thing, unless you're always in your head, then the rest of your body does not participate.

The rest of your body, the chakras, who tell about you about who you are, whether you trust yourself, believe in yourself, whether you feel, feel love for yourself and thereby love others, whether you speak the truth, etc., are extremely important, because if they are blocked, it creates stress, Sadness and pain on.
Blocked, you pass on everything you feel.

And today I saw one of those in power talking Bill Gates, and his voice just came out of his head.
Internally, he must find himself worthless, that is the core, and as long as he does not feel his whole body, does not heal that piece of inner child, his hunger for money is very high.

I've already written about what lung and heart disorders mean before.
Especially lungs need space to expand, protected behind the rib cage.
There are many ways to look at why you get a condition somewhere, and if you name everything that the organ in your body does, that's a message about how to stand in your life.
Another possibility is to look at sayings or chakras.
Lungs need air.
But people who give up their lives to serve others, work very much, choose an impotence for themselves, do not stand up for themselves, have a chance of lung problems.
Heart problems means that you are an inner fat, do not want to show your emotions, and so you refrain from love or comfort.
The heart chakra is in the area lungs/heart.
Heart chakra says, love yourself, then you can love.
It has to do with finding yourself important, being worthy of love.

As I mentioned earlier, 2020 is a year of extremes, a year of unrest and fear.
In January that huge forest fires, the lungs of the Earth.
The corona virus, which occurs mainly in people with lung and heart problems, pneumonia.
Inflammation is a conflict/dissatisfaction with yourself.

For example, it is extremely important to do self-development, because there is such an impotent emptiness in humanity.
It's like letting us take everything out of our hands and rest in it.
That was started generations ago by scaring, pressuring, even killing people.
Everyone still looks anxiously through the eyes of others to see if they are doing well.
In consultations where we go to past lives, a lot of high-sensitivity people were killed by hanging or burning, in one of my past lives, I saw my family standing in the distance, being hanged, and when they opened their mouths, pretending to be sad, they waited the same fate, so out of fear they turned against me.

Nature healers, psychics, wise people were not tolerated, and especially the church had a very big finger in it, because it wanted power over the world.
No one was allowed to contact the Angels or God/Read “your soul”.
So everyone did what was expected because there was supposedly a hell and a devil, and people believed sacred and lost themselves in fear.

And so we lost contact with our bodies, we were no longer in charge, the church and the rulers took over us.
Told us if we should have more children and regularly came to people's homes to see if everything happened as their savages.

Anno now, people are still not connected to themselves, but nature speaks again,
Nature healers, the healers, the psychics are getting foot back on the ground, and now they want to wake the world up.

Today I read about a scan car that drives around and passes cars that are outside the door and where no parking fees are paid.
Your own space is occupied, and it happens step by step, so that people do not get suspicious of its foldness.
In 20 years, there will be fences around the woods and the beach and you will have to pay entrance, and then there will be people who will even help build.
Earth belongs to all of us.
And because we have to take up our own space, by the ruling Netherlands, by pharmaceutical companies, by healthcare, and all of us complain, but then do what is asked, means that we as people give away our space.
We do not take back our lives, meet those in power who make huge abuses.
Pulmonary problems are not taking up your space, satisfying everyone, and not taking yourself important enough to stand up for yourself.
The world has lung problems.
It's the life lesson to get up, to find yourself important, to love yourself, to wake up, to see that you put your children on the same regime, you may even be a little selfish to yourself.
Seeing how stuck you are, not knowing yourself and just following.

Everything in this year is about waking up, love the world, go heal and find yourself.
And now that everything starts to run again, I am convinced that there is much more to come, but that doesn't have to be a corona.
2020 is the year or people stand on, and life lessons are always getting more intense.
When do you take responsibility for yourself?
Just save this message, and you can read it back and see it's true, because I don't get up so early for nothing, it's been whispered to me.
I don't scatter fear, but assume that you see and feel that much is going on.
#yourself #bewustwording #
