Here I sit, in the middle of the night, every night, for two years, waiting for about the 5 o'clock clock.
Thanks to Cabinet Rutte, but not really of course!
Since 2 years living here in the nice village, all the way on my spot as a polder boy from a few villages away!.
Unfortunately, my wife got sick, she was already disabled, so I was already used to that care, but what came after....
I wasn't used to it, but I had to get used to it, forced to, because of absurd gross mistakes of something that the citizen should have met!
The Government!
I've had to rinse open wounds, subcutaneous morphine injections, now still, 4 times a day with my wife, because hospitals are still closed for a vague thing.!
And if she's having a really bad day, I'm gonna have to put another buscopan injection into the muscle of her upper arm, because she's gonna have an esophageal spasm attack over it.!
She barely comes out after her operation, after ACNES remained.
Cinch sitting nerve in a member tick... nerve pain so... worse is not there!
For the rest, I don't complain, even though I would have imagined getting older!
Come out... yes... if I'm home every 4 hours anyway... to inflict morphine, because home care prefers not to come home at all because of something called corona.!
I'm not a doctor, even if I could just be, I'm more than a caregiver!

And suddenly there's this one and a half meter of craziness!
Yes, I call it a madness!
I'm sorry, logical thinking, which I always do, and I hope you're also trying to make an attempt to understand my thinking.!
Meanwhile, it is known that the figures of the RIVM are completely incorrect!
Nearly 5000 “kill corona”.
Unfortunately, the fact is that on average 400 to 500 people die every day in the Netherlands!
Somewhere in March 2020, the 'ordinary' flu disappeared... a short wave of flu?
In the same week Corona appeared!
Corona has been around since the 60s, but this aside!
New variant?
Could... but I doubt it!
Or is it so that one has devised a hysteria... world wide?
Or perhaps the EU thought, after unrest broke out in China, and the people there finally dared to the streets, to protest against the Communism regime!
The EU had cheated on the art... because suddenly Corona appeared, and the protests in China were gone, after all.. Communists would not tolerate contradictions!

The hospital built in 14 days... world news.
Were it not for the fact that there were bars on the windows, what hospital would need that? ?
Seen footage... serious... armed soldiers on the roof of a hospital?
Or has it become a prison for the protesting people?
The EU saw the mass hysteria.
I still hear the RIVM say... ' We consider the risk of the virus coming here to be minimal.”.
However, I feel that all governments in the EU have been manipulated.
After all, every country, not a single country isolated, protests were in progress against each their own government!
The EU also has a touch of a kind of dictatorship!
Italy had a severe conflict, like Spain, with the EU!
Extremely curious that there were suddenly the biggest 'fireplaces' in terms of corona.
2 days later it was the rest of Europe's turn!

That got me, and not just me thinking!
Please, don't call me conspiracy. I'm a realist, not a fantasy.!
Flu disappeared where corona appeared!
People were massively admitted to hospitals.. although... many images from all over the world, even the USA, told other images!
What if the already vicious normal flu suddenly got a different name?
Mass hysteria unleashed madness.
And that also had an advantage for all governments.
Protests away through a massive lockdown, because one had to stay inside!
Probably the EU was tired of it, and saw no other way out more than to cause mass hysteria!
And then one has to listen... after all... the EU seems to have to tell about the EU country whatsoever!

But... suppose patients with severe flu symptoms, no matter how old, were suddenly treated in a hospital?
My God... I've lost two family members at age to lung disorders caused by flu which didn't want to go away anymore!!
And both of them died in the retirement home, because... nothing more to be done, body is out, and they were already weak, one of them had sugar.
No, I'm not making this up, I've taken both of them to the buried place myself!!
But to show it, however, suddenly everything could..
If necessary, on the ventilator for days, and a few came out fine!
Residual phenomena by corona?
Through the ventilation!
Long ventilation gives damage!
I NEVER forget when I was on a ventilator when my heart stopped!
And I've been short about it... except for purse on the chest of the heart massage, emotions that were suppressed with medication, and a raw throat from that tube in my throat.
My throat remained sensitive longer than the rest!
And I'd only been there for a few hours!

Most of the deceased patients had severe underlying factors, which was actually the cause of death, but were attributed to corona...!
Because the numbers were supposed to look worse, ahead of plan maybe?

And then the unbeatable numbers, RIVM and CBS contradict each other.
Doctors who are not allowed to speak about their concerns!
Or are not just my reservations mine, I share them with real doctors?
Of course... heavy pneumonia, always tricky, it doesn't have to be called Covid19 for that.!
That's already I don't know how long the case!
People are hospitalized with flu symptoms...
Heavy flu symptoms, which kill a lot of people every year!
I don't know exactly, but in the 2017-2018 season, over 9000 people died from the flu!
A much higher number than what has now fallen, not to mention the question marks as to which patient has REALLY died from the so-called Covid19.

The whole of the Netherlands, which was already on the way to be demolished by current policy, got the grace blow!
An ever-failing cabinet for years... what kept the poor poor, the rich rich rich rich!
And look now... even though the food banks, who could have imagined that in 2020, that they would still exist, can't even help the poor!
People under reign are struggling at all!
For what exactly?
Let the Prime Minister explain!
Farmers in distress, cornered... well... the law is through!

And when I walk out my loyal friend I walk past children's playgrounds.. there's a tile in front of the entrance!
An embarrassing tile!
Little children often can not read yet!
By the way, these tiles were already there before our 'great' cabinet pushed through the 1.5 rule of law.!
For what?
Did people know here that 'it' would come?
Didn't there talk about crowd control in the second room?
Is it here for?
That means that a football club can no longer open, small cafes stay closed forever, and so there are still beautiful examples to name!
Apparently, a man just can't have fun in life anymore!
I'm, along with my wife, a risk patient, and I didn't bother him for a second about that fuss, because a little voice in the back of my head said the whole thing wasn't right.!
I know, it's become a long piece of writing, and yes, you can publish it as far as I'm concerned, I'm going to do it myself!
Netherlands bankrupt... for what exactly?
Small entrepreneurs on the ground... why?
Slightly larger companies down, for what?
Can someone explain that to me why the numbers, the victims, the thrill messages from the media that aren't true!
Can anyone even explain exactly what's going on?

I took my mother away less than 10 months ago.!
She was allowed to turn 89... her head, which could still think clearly at the time... years of nightmares of the terrible 1940-1945 years!
Sometimes when she was talking about that, I heard the disgust in her voice.!
About that time.
sadly kan men iemand niet voor altijd bij zich houden, maar mijn God,wat ben ik 'blij' dat ze nu hopelijk elders gelukkig mag zijn!
If she had been perfectly healthy, she wouldn't have survived this madness!
And then I think of all our seniors, who have been through this time, and are still alive, now locked up.
Or those who helped build this country after those years... behind windows... staring out, with their memories, hoping this will be over soon, so they can see their (grand) children again.!
And they also wonder... for what exactly!
Go brainstorming this as a congregation... I'm not crazy... just soberly thinking!
What if the 'normal flu' has been reappointed to covid19?
Do you know what I'm saying? ?
That more work has been done now, ow, deep respect for our people saviors, really!
These people love people, no matter what kind of disease they have, they go for 100%!
And well.. flu, under any name, is contagious, certainly the heavy variant!

It's now half past five in the night, and I just remembered, everyone can think for themselves when to stay inside, or not to visit someone who has a weaker constitution.
That too has been so for years.. because everyone knows, flu can be linked to the weak, and if you are unlucky as a single youngster, too... unfortunately.
I hope the hospitals will soon pick up everything..
I also hope that an acquaintance whose breast needs to be removed and finally goes under the knife next week, that rotten disease has not been given the opportunity to aggravate the situation!
And with her multiple patients who have been the victims of this!
From what exactly?

My love of my life is still asleep, I think she will go through the night without pain, lying down usually goes well for a long time.!
Tomorrow another day... of injections, because care has been cut by that same backward government!
The same government that expects a regular boy to do everything you normally need papers for!
I had a class at the GP on a cork!
And you know, I've got a lot of... gone with that senseless one and a half feet of crap!
Away with frightened glances of shoppers, avoiding each other with a bow, while in the supermarket you sometimes have to wring your way into the strangest corners to avoid each other.
I'm gonna ask you one more time..
For what exactly?
It only remains for me to say, once again, that hospitals will return to the normal turn, so that my wife can also be helped.
I have the silent hope that also the Minister of Health or whatever it may be called, will put the neurostimulator back into the basic package for ACNES patients, so that many 'comrade patients' can get rid of the morphine crap and lead a more humane existence!

Questions will remain... also probably for you as a congregation... the great why!
This big guy shuts down with a lump down his throat... embarrassed by the current government full of manipulation... and again... why?
I'm only taking one extra time...” happy with the thought that I no longer have to explain to my Mother why we in the Netherlands actually have to live under martial law right now!
Because otherwise I can't call it!
Man can't do anything anymore.. can't do anything anymore... and no one, given the numbers and the many videos everywhere, knows exactly why!



State of martial law?