#CETA Minister Kaag is just lying.

Noam Chomsky rains TTIP and CETA in just 2 minutes
In an interview with Channel4, Noam Chomsky takes exactly 2 minutes and 5 seconds to level TTIP and CETA to the ground. The so-called free trade agreements are not free trade agreements, they are hardly trade agreements. They are mainly agreements to safeguard the rights of investors.

CETA committees give away EU precautionary principle and pesticides policy.
Revealing new documents: Precautionary principle and pesticides policy are given away in secret committees It is the week of the debate in the Dutch Parliament on the ratification of the CETA Free Trade Treaty between Canada and the EU. But (secret) documents now show that Canadian officials want to use the agreement to weaken European regulations in the field of food safety. The European officials agree to this. Canada wants to change the minimum residue levels for pesticides and herbicides. Agricultural poisons such as glyphosate have a greater chance of getting into our market and in our food.

Stop CETA, find the facts.