
As a child I used to go to play with a friend who had at home a special table to play ping pong brings me so many memories, that were recorded in my mind, since there were no photographic records of that time because I grew up in a village, and at that time the photographs were only for important events not like now that of any anecdota or situation we can leave it reflected for posterity.
Table tennis is a racket sport that is disputed between two players. It is an Olympic sport since Seoul 1988, and the sport with the highest number of practitioners. Several studies have shown that the practice of this sport improves, among others, capacity and reaction time, eye and hand coordination, concentration and memory.

It is a simple sport that we can do from the comfort of our home.

Who likes table tennis or table tennis?

How many we have practiced this sport and what memories it brings us...

Table tennis or table tennis