#television #memories 

That bloody hand on the wall will remain in the history of television. And Ugo Pagliai's eyes like blue headlights, which we had already loved in The Sign of Command.
A 1975 drama, The bitter case of the Baroness of Carini, directed by Daniele D’Anza, which was a milestone in television drama. The plot is inspired by a Sicilian popular ballad, which tells of a crime that actually took place in Carini in the 16th century: the baroness of Carini, Donna Laura Lanza, wife of Don Vincenzo La Grua - Talamanca, was killed by her father Don Cesare Lanza, but the story takes place in the nineteenth century, three centuries after the crime. Co-star, together with Pagliai, the beautiful Janet Agren.
Mystery, omens of death, eros and thanatos merged together, these are all the ingredients for a romantic “meatloaf” that had a lot of feuilleton and was very successful at the time.
Memorable is the opening theme, the poignant ballad scripted by Gigi Proietti and Romolo Grano: the unfortunate baroness collapses on her lover, leaving a streak of blood on the wall with her hand. I was fourteen, I was romantic and in love with love, just like now I liked great stories in costume, of adventure and sentiment. I remember having fun playing the Baroness, dramafully swiping my hand on the landing wall of the house and pretending to fall over. Fortunately, no neighbor has ever opened the door at that time.

The Baroness