Do you recognize that you sometimes say something that you later don't think
was really nice? But is it really true? Isn't it us?
conception of what judges our action hard at such times?

I think everyone agrees that later you think something isn't
was really nice. I myself think I am such an unkind
person, but because I once say something unnice makes with that not
immediately an unkind person. In that respect, a misconception of my
side of which I am writing this becomes aware of. In addition, I know
often not whether the other person actually perceives it as unkind,
I don't like it or that it's just my thought.

For example, what would I feel if I were the other person? Would I
therefore as unkind experienced or just thinking that it is a logical
Answer was?

In my case, it was about someone asking me something she knows
that I don't go over it, and I don't interfere. After she made her
I asked that question and she also wanted my phone number.

I was kind of overwhelmed by the conversation and I was kind of like no I give
not my number, because I don't want to be bothered with this.

So later I realized that it makes sense that they have my
phone number and I thought, oh that was not really nice
of me.

On the other hand, I was only later on the link. At the time, I thought that
I wanted my phone number so she could talk about this kind of thing.
and I don't want to.

Maybe it was unkind of me, but on the other hand super
nice to myself. I stood up for myself. So it was actually
one No to the other, but a fat Yes to myself and well that
is not exactly unkind to me.


That wasn't exactly nice