#soullage All mothers are special, mine is 89 years old, but their spirit, occurrences and joys belong to the soul of a younger person.
She is the one who drives us when we are decayed, the witty telling jokes and anecdotes, the joker, the first dancer at the parties and above all is the joy of the house.
When he sleeps everything is calm, quiet and quiet, when he wakes up the first thing he does is prepare his coffee, turn on the radio and sing his songs to full lung.
Very rarely this brava, cooks, exercises, sewed her dresses and is always active thinking what she can do, because for her, doing nothing is wasting time.
She says she still lacks a lot to live, she takes her vitamins and feeds healthily, sleeps early, according to her is her secret to being healthy.
My mother is unique, she is inspiration for many people who lose the desire to live.
I only ask God to have her for many more years .