
The fence is off the dam. They will soon break out massively. Then there's no more escaping. Vorsend I look around the circle.
'Who is the responsible?'
Nobody dares to respond. The Flappings. They know they're guilty, they know there's no going back, they've let it get that far themselves. everyone. Piece by piece. Yes, I am guilty of it too.
'Don't mug, just keep going, it might still be undo.'
'How then?'
“We just unclear the sensors.'
My eyebrow skyrocks. That even goes too far for me. The electronic sensors have been fine-tuned in such a way that, in my opinion, this option is one of the impossibilities.
But doing nothing and watching sufferers is also ridiculous, so I nod in agreement even though my stomach turns around and my heart almost banges out of my body.

will be prosecuted

The Circle (Part 1)