The last dinosaurs died approximately 65 million years ago. Although the cause of their extinction remains a mystery, climate change, diseases, changing plant communities and geological events could have influenced the disappearance of dinosaurs.

Theories about the disappearance of dinosaurs have been the subject of much debate and controversy. However, there is one that has gained greater recognition from the paleontological community. This is the theory that establishes that the disappearance of dinosaurs was caused by a huge meteorite that crashed into Earth near the Gulf of Mexico. 

This large meteorite raised enough dust and debris to block sunlight for a long time. This caused a succession of events that had devastating effects on many species, which would eventually become extinct due to the lack of sun and light.

However, this theory has a large gap: dinosaur skeletons have not yet been found in rocks dating from the impact period.

Therefore, some paleontologists establish that dinosaurs could have died even before the meteorite hit.

In any case, as Alba Aguión says in her video, the disappearance of dinosaurs brought something with it: the appearance of the first primates

The Disappearance of Dinosaurs

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