Imke de Boer is professor of animal food systems in Wageningen, and has made a plan with a team of 14 different parties for a new food system in the Netherlands anno 2050. It implies a profound change, which leaves no one untouched, and which works through all sections of society. It would make the landscape of the Netherlands more beautiful, biodiversity is increasing, there is more contact between farmers and citizens, and we live healthier. And it's not a utopia.

That something has to be done, that's for sure. Because of the way we produce food now, we are overtaxing the environment. Worldwide, the food system is responsible for about a quarter of the greenhouse gases that cause climate change. And it leaves a huge mark on the loss of biodiversity. Time is running.

According to Imke de Boer, Professor of Animals and Duurame Food Systems at Wageningen University, we have to start a radical change today.. 'If we want to transfer a healthy earth to our future generations, something must be done now', her conviction.

She wrote a plan for that..
Here you will find an extended version of the plan: 'Back to the roots of the Dutch food system: from more to better'. And because it is a complex transition, she has involved in it together with researchers and all kinds of parties.. The team of 14 participants consisted of farmers, representatives of environmental and agricultural organisations and scientists, and around it an even greater shell of civil society organisations providing support and feedback.

De Boer and her team participated in a worldwide competition by the Rockefeller Foundation with their plan Food Vision 2050.

They won $200,000 with it. Perhaps the signal that this is a valuable plan is even more important than that amount.

In the plan, they divide the Netherlands into six types of landscape (and its managers). To know:

managers of our arable lands
cities and their hinterland
administrators of our river landscapes
coastal zone
multifunctional marine protected areas
community of producers

The future of our food: eating what the pot abolishes