#HEIDE 😍 Heath or heather is a name for vegetation that mainly consists of dwarf shrubs from the heath family.

Heath is found in a limited number of countries. Except in the Netherlands and Belgium, also in the coastal strip of Western Europe, Great Britain and Ireland. It is a typical vegetation that feels at home in areas where a sea climate prevails, with high humidity and not too hot summers and no harsh winters.

The natural spread of heathland vegetation consists of decalcified parts of the dune landscape (especially in the northern Netherlands), mountains above the tree line and the edges of #hoogvenen . The heather in the interior is a cultural landscape created by the extraction of nutrients by grazing and plaging of sandy soils. Pollen research shows that heathland vegetations have always been found in the interior, but the large treeless heaths and the sand drifts. were created by the intensification of sheep farming during the Middle Ages.

The heather is in bloom!