
The history of pizza is linked to the consumption of bread by humanity. In ancient Egypt, when they discovered yeast, they began to prepare a kind of bread with the shape and color of the sun, with flour, water and honey. In ancient Greece, this bread evolved and fat, spices, garlic and onions were added to it. At the time of Darius I the Great, Persian soldiers put melted cheese and dates on bread.

In Italy it was known as “pizza bianca” made with bread, fat, herbs, garlic, onions, olives the ingredients available in most humble homes, it was a dish available to most.

With the arrival of tomatoes in Europe from America, this dish took an unexpected turn. It was in Naples in the 16th century that tomatoes began to be consumed as food, while in the rest of Europe they were not consumed until the 18th century.

At first, tomatoes were considered poisonous and were only used in gardening as a decorative way, they were not considered as food, until one day a Neapolitan peasant, due to his need to eat, accompanied his bread with a tomato and loved it, when he survived the word spread and from then on the humble Neapolitan people began to eat tomatoes with their dried breads. Turning this combination of bread with tomato into a highly appreciated dish in the Naples region. As it was a dish consumed mainly by humble people, most did not have their own oven, so they prepared the dough at home and took it to the baker to bake it.

The History of Pizza