Two more full weeks, and then it's gonna be. #schooljaar back on it. A strange year by the Corona virus, where the children are much at home #onderwijs have had. A year where we now have to drop off the children at the gate at a distance of 1.5 meters. A year in which the anniversary should have been celebrated, which has now been postponed to the beginning of next school year. A conclusion of the nursery period, because the little guy goes to group 3 and we had the same gentleman for five years.

Fortunately, at school they want to close it as usual as possible. Last week we had report conversations, well report conversations, conversations about functioning and whether they will pass. And today, even the school photographer has been for the class photo. Super nice that this is still planned.

Next week we will meet again as Parents' Council (in which I sit), because we have a lot to plan for next school year because of all the activities that have been moved and after that we have a nice holiday! We are also ready; -)

What a strange year this was!

How is it closed with you?

The last weeks at school of this weird school year